Want to double or triple your income and without adding more 1:1 clinical hours to your schedule?
Want to serve more clients in less time?
Elevate is where you learn HOW to increase your income and your impact.
This is where your business growth begins!
What does my membership include?
- Monthly live interviews with guest experts on various topics to help you elevate your work and income!
- Checklists and worksheets to keep you on track with the monthly topics and goal setting.
- Tons of encouragement and community support with a highly engaged group of members who are motivated to take action towards the same goals you have!
- Direct access to me in our private FB group for members only.
- Resources to help you build and grow your practice and increase your income.
- Hot seat interviews with members for laser coaching sessions that help the entire community learn and grow.
- Early access and member only discounts to new workshops, online courses, summits and retreats for therapists.
- Accountability measures to help you move from "thinking about doing something" to taking action!
*2 months free with annual membership*